Frank Brown and his old Gibson Twelve String.
Leicester Square 1968.
very nice review of the book from John Bentham in the Tiger Folk
Newsletter (not available on their site but via Dave Sutherland's monthly newsletter):
years ago on a Friday night Don Partridge played the Pack Horse Folk
Club in Loughborough. It wasn’t a turn up, perform and off down
the road jobs, oh no. Saturday saw him busking in the Market Place;
one of his old haunts from the 80’s when he was living on a narrow
boat in the town. In the pub later in the afternoon, an old chum of
Dons, Rod Warner broached the idea of writing a biography of Don.
His response was that it shouldn’t be a biography but a book about
buskers. After all both he and Rod were on the busking scene at the
same time. It became more than a suggestion and the prospect of
writing such a book started to become a reality. Perhaps the
catalyst was when Don... contacted Pat Keene. Now Pat had also been
earning his living busking but was also a photographer with rolls and
rolls of film that he had taken at the time. Of course, busking was
nothing new, there had always been street performers, but nearly all
of them were “The Old School”, accordion players, banjo and spoon
players, jazz bands, individual singers and their ilk but now,
suddenly, there appeared in their midst young, guitar carrying lads
and the busking world was about to change and Pat was there to
capture it on film.
the book we are taken, in photographs some of which have never been
published before and through the reminiscences of Don, Pat and Rod,
back to a world that the majority of people only saw or ignored as
they passed by on their own journeys. And it would possibly have
remained a twilight world if Don Partridge hadn’t have mackled up
his one man band kit, worn a snake skin jacket and started singing a
song called “Rosie”. The smart thing to say now would be;” And
the rest is history”. Well, yes it is, and you can now read the
first-hand accounts of that history. Because I know Rod quite well, I
felt a little uneasy at times reading some of the intimate details of
his life but also fascinated by them, is this just curiosity or
voyeurism? Whatever it might be, it proves yet again that we might
think we know someone but how much do we really know.
was good on the streets and life was bad on the streets. The streets
weren’t just in London. They were up and down the country. They
were up and down the Europe. They were east of Europe and west to
Ireland. Sometimes travelling in style, sometimes bumming it,
sometimes with money to burn, sometimes with a scarce two ha’pennies
to rub together, sometimes travelling alone, sometimes with fellow
buskers and bottlers, sometimes as a loner sometimes with a lover,
travelling, travelling, always moving on. Even when the times were
good the road would beckon and so they would up sticks and away.
Bohemian, I guess it was.
highlight was The Buskers Concert in 1969 when Don hired The Royal
Albert all about it!
Don passed away before the book was finished but Pat and Rod were
determined to complete the project in memory of their old mate and a
damn good job they have done of it.
you don’t see me next spring, I’ll be in Berlin”
“Transworld Blues”-Don Partridge.'
“Transworld Blues”-Don Partridge.'