book is now launched, people are buying it, which is gratifying, with
not too many problems so far.
course, after publication, one is always thinking of the material you
wanted to put in, things that you might have approached differently,
stylistic choices that were or were not made. The list goes on...
Pat and myself hit the basic problem when Don suddenly and tragically died: should
we continue or should we abandon the book in its planned form and try
to resurrect it as something else? In the end, we fell somewhere in
the middle, deciding that, yes, the book would be incomplete from the
original ideas that had been thrashed out, because we needed more of
Don's input for that, and short of a Doris Stokes moment or two, this
was not going to happen in this life. But what we had was maybe
enough to justify the project. So we went with that. Three stories
that elliptically reflect and refract on each other. The other issue
was: time and mortality. With Don gone, the two of us not exactly spring chickens,
the owld wingรจd chariot was hurrying near behind us somewhat. Et in
busking arcadia ego... (I have a rather drunken fancy that after
death, crossing the bar (to borrow from Tennyson) might be turned
from the sombre process of changing continuum, so to speak, if the
Pilot suddenly turned round and revealed himself as my old friend, professional loon and busking partner, Jumping Jack/Earl
of Mustard/Norman Norris: 'I'm the guv'nor. Whorr hor hor.' I
assume the old bugger has left this level sometime back and would
like to think he found a good gig beyond... ).
the end, the book followed one of the literary precepts which CharlesOlson appropriated from his younger friend and fellow poet, Robert
Creeley: 'FORM
years later, when asked about his famous quote, Creeley responded:
'I would now almost amend the statement to say, "Form is
what happens." It's the fact of things in the world, however
they are. So that form in that way is simply the presence of
any thing.'
(scroll down).
the form of the book is created by what we had left to play with.
'Form is what happens.' Hopefully something interesting came of it.
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